When I was a fresh-faced, callow youth, I used to spend a lot of my time in front of the boob tube, watching cartoons. Okay, those words could also describe my weekends, but let us shy past that point and on to more important things, like today's lesson in valuable, useful Latin.
One of my favorite shows to watch, much to my mother's chagrin, was Josie and the Pussycats. It's not so much that the show was as well written as, say, Transformers or G.I.Joe (which, isn't saying much, because while both of these shows ranked high on the badass scale, the writing ranked equally as high on the pisspoor scale), however, even back then I knew that the exploits of three teenage girls strutting around in cat suits was something I could support wholeheartedly. Or something else hardedly.
While I had to catch Josie and her sultry teenage friends in re-runs (the show ended it's original airing while I was but a mewling babe), I always held a warm spot in my heart for my first crushes. Fast forward a few years and, while futzing around with the remote late one night, I quite stumbled upon something called the Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious. After discovering that I did not, in fact, need to pay in order to continue viewing, my heart soared for a second, thinking that my childhood sweethearts had been resurrected. However, I discovered that the Pussycat Dolls took their names not so much from Josie's group, but more because they sounded like a bag full of cats being run over by a bus...a bus driven by a dog!
Apparently, they make music of some kind and are somewhat popular. Admittedly, I did have to check Wikipedia in order to 'verify' both of these facts. However, as with all things, the girls of the Pussycat Dolls will eventually grow older and people will see through their caterwauling and move on to the next young, pretty thing. Isn't that right, Spice Girls?
If the fate of the Pussycat Dolls ever comes up in conversation, you can simply interject this into the conversation and you will sound not only sophisticated, but also quite profound:
"Omnes paucis annis prosedae erunt."
Pronounced: "Ohm-nays pow-kiss ahnn-ees proh-say-die air-oont."
1 day ago
What do you mean, "in a few years"?
I think that bell has already rung for some of them.
Doesn't the Vegas show has celebrity guest "honorary" Dolls? I wonder if this fate counts for them too. Although, given what I know about these guests, their hooker status in the present in ALREADY debatable.
Their mothers must be so proud!
After discovering that I did not, in fact, need to pay in order to continue viewing...
That has got to be the funniest comment I have ever read about the Pussycat Dolls or any of their ilk. Hat off to you.
Hookers would be the natural career path. They'll probably make more money, too!
Josie and the pussycats were "ok" but it was always Betty Rubble for me....
I wanted to be a Pussycat Doll, but my mum said I had to be a financial administrator instead.
Btw: I was out last night and got to use the "Si te futuas, gaudeam!" lesson THREE TIMES!
First guy just asked me if I was foreign
Second guy said something to the effect that I was a coitus indulging female of the canine persausion
Third guy laughed, said bravo and then said something back IN LATIN! I have no idea what it meant as it wasn't "Carpe Diem" or "Veni, vidi, visa" (I came, I saw, I shopped) which is the only other latin I know.
I think we might have a date on Tuesday
When I was little, I saw a tv show (maybe Barney Miller) that had hookers on it.
I told mom I wanted to be a hooker when I grew up.
I could have just been a pop star instead.
Not that I'm a hooker.
Shit. This didn't come out right.
What role models we have for our children these days! I sure as hell did love Josie and the Pussycats though!
You know damn well jenks that their claim to fame is the word "pussy" in their name...thats a give in eh?
This makes me happy.
Do you think they'll take Visa?
oops that last comment was me...forgot to switch accounts...my bad
I was always too busy watching Gilligans Island for snippets of Ginger. Rowr. Now THERE'S a pussycat!
Their 15 minutes has already lasted way longer than it should have.
The worst thing about the PCD is their token "redhead" is a dye job. Lame.
I need to go shopping...
I can feel my IQ (as low as it may already be) dropping exponentially as I look at that picture. Not a bright bulb in the bunch, is there?
In a FEW YEARS?!?! You must be joking right??
You totally crack me up!
They were all hookers last week, Mjenks. I'm pretty damn sure.
In a few years, no one is going to want to have sex with them even for free.
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