There are not enough creative and inventive uses of the word fuck to amply describe the day I am having. I refuse to go into too much detail here, but it's a strange state of affairs when I actually go into the lab and do reactions in order to calm my murderous rage.
1 day ago
Try not to kill anyone... there's no blogging from jail.
Rut roh! I hope that blowing shit up helps, Jenksy.
Rage against the machine, brother!
Throat punch whoever is pissing you off. I find it helps.
Well, like they say in monty Python; it got better? Hope you had a nice evening at least, hun!
If you need to borrow my server room, it's all yours...
although be forwarned that, it's fucking snowing here, AGAIN. Fuck that furry little bastard groundhog.
Calm down, take a nap or something :D
Usually it's the reactions that cause the rage!
Hope it's getting better!
sorry dude. I hope by now things are calm. BTW, what type of reaction gives you the most calmness. My most calming reaction was a good clean, undetectable Swern. Doing a Swern that no one smelled returned that tickle to my trousers... if you know what I mean. And I hope you do, because I don't.
A good Grubbs metathesis will always calm me down.
I went and did some copper-mediated cross couplings between a phenol and some phenyl boronic acids. It's a pretty nice little reaction and seems to be a relatively easy way of generating biphenyl ethers.
Plus, I can pretty much dump everything into a flask, set it to stir, and forget about it for three days. The best kind of chemistry is easy chemistry!
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