Well, it seems that ole Urban was up to his normal tricks again. Looks like he made an 11th hour push to get Finch and, allegedly, secured him. So, the recruiting analyst over at SI gets an official Crown of Thistles apology. Sorry, dude.
I guess nothing does wonders for your recruiting classes like a national championship. And ole Urban seems to know that when a player says he's going to one school that he can still be recruited and stolen away from that school to go to the Gators. Hip hip hooray! More public blowjobs for Urban Meyer in the national media, especially over at ESPUrban!
2 hours ago
Grrrrrr. Don't mention Florida. I'm still sore about last year.
Yeah, I freaking can't stand Florida. I thought it was bad enough when Connecticut won both the Men's and Women's titles. But Florida owning both the crystal basketball and the crystal football just sickens me.
you're such a geek, it's a good job I have much man love for you.
Hey, Matt:
What do you think of the NASCAR crew chief thing? I thought that cheating was kinda admired in NASCAR; why do you think they're cracking down? (Or are they cracking down because it's seen as typical amongst the teams?) -- Jim T.
Where did this NASCAR stuff come from? But... since you brought it up. Wasn't this supposed to be Toyota's big entrance into NASCAR, and their marquee team? Cheating (allegedly) is not a good way to make a first impression.
Your Mancrush is wholly and fully reciprocated. Can you feel the love across the pond? FEEL IT!!!
Hate Florida even more since they beat us recently. Grrrrr! Anyone wanna help me shave Noah's head?
I don't dislike Florida with the same visceral hate you do. BUT, I would love to see Noah bald. That would be funny:)
I really like the direction these comments are headed. I agree, Noah needs that tail snipped. Three makes a posse. I also vote that psi star psi gets to hook the pony tail to her belt, so she gets to wear it around like college basketball's version of Boba Fett.
Did you all see Noah's manly attack of the opposing coach? When Kevin Stallings held the ball yesterday for a couple of seconds, Noah started slapping at him to get the ball. That's classy. Almost as classy as the swing he took at Kentucky's cheerleaders last week.
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