That's really all that can be said. Motley, the gray kitteh on the left, died earlier on Friday morning. I don't know if Peachigo, the calico on the right, is still hanging on or not, but she's been completely silent, immobile and listless all evening.
Now I'm wondering if the mother didn't abandon them just because they were sick and she wanted them away from the rest of the litter. My kids--specifically my daughter--and my wife are taking this pretty hard, and seeing them so upset has made my little heart break.
So, we are once again kitteh-less around here. It's been very sad today.
[EDIT]: Peachigo is officially dead now, too. I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now. Er, I mean, be rock solid and manly and bury my emotions.
14 hours ago
Oh how tragic. Sorry Jenks. This make me so sad I want to send you a couple of baby squirrels. What's your addy?
The tale of the baby kittehs is just breaking my heard. To see how you have been caring for them, however fills me with hope for the human race when I see how good people act towards those smaller and weaker than themselves.
@ Mala: You know, Mala, I'm going to have to pass on that. I've got plenty of squirrels around my place already...
@ Cal: Thanks, man. I appreciate it. I'm very sad for my kids, though. These were their first pets, and they haven't taken it all that well, which makes me even sadder.
Awwww, that's so sad!! Poor little things.
I'm so sorry, Mjenky.
Sorry man.
So sorry mjenks, it does make you wonder about the mother cat, and what she may have known that we humans just are not in tune with.
Awww.. They lost their mother too soon. Poor kittehs. Bless their little souls.
Oh NO! I'm so sorry, buddy. That is so heartbreaking. :( Really, it makes me so sad to hear this news, so I can only imagine how you & your family feel about it.
((hugs)) to the whole Jenks clan.
OK, I don't like cats, but that is sad. Hope your kids are OK.
Oh, dear God, I would be a sad for the little kittehs :(
Well, that is sad.
But on the bright side, you have something else to think about now besides nuns and baseball.
I'm so sorry to hear that. That's quite a blow for little kids.
@ Everyone: Thanks, everybody. It was pretty sad. I'm hoping that at some point in the near future, I'll forget the image of the grey kitty's lifeless corpse and watching the calico struggle with her last few breaths...
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