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Inspirational Reads

Friday Morning Latin Lesson, Volume XX(X)

April 17, 2009

Right now, as you read this (assuming, that is, that you're reading it hot off the presses), our dear friend and colleague Scope is on a plane flying cross country to visit with fellow friend and colleague Cora. I imagine that, right now, he's grumbling something about leg room, wondering what a four-letter word for 'table scraps' is (it's 'orts', my friend), and feeling a very strange disturbance in the Force. Can't you just imagine him, sitting in the window seat, looking up from the crossword, brow furrowed, thinking to himself "It feels like people are having a laugh at my expense..."

*ahem* In case you haven't been playing along at home, a few weeks ago, the blog gods spoke through the word verification oracle, informing Scope that he was Cora's "mandoll". Further elucidation of this message from on high can be found here. To that end, I thought--perhaps--that this week's Latin lesson might be apropos. Oh, did you see that? I worked a little French into this week's Latin lesson! Je suis éclatant!

This was originally supposed to run last week, but after discussing this with Scope (notice that someone was left out of the conversation...*whistles innocently*), I was told this particular entry would be better served on the day that he was traveling to far distant lands. So, here we go. And, I'm certain that, if, certain social situations played themselves out this coming weekend, Cora would find this particular phrase most useful:

Num credis me pupa ludere?

Pronounced: "Noom cray-deese may poo-pah lewd-air-aye?"

I really should buy a copy of Photoshop at some point...

Next week: To inifinitive...and beyond...for reals, this time!


Cora said...

Awww, Mjenks. Thank you. I'm going to write it down right now (fo-net-ik-ah-lee, of course) because it just may come in handy....

Jeez 'come in handy' sounds dirty right now.

Is it just me?

It's me isn't it?

Ahh well.


Candy's daily Dandy said...

Just like Barbie and Ken, those two. Both real dolls.:)

Kristine said...

1. Photoshop is for sissies. Paint takes real talent.
2. Those Romans probably invented blow-up dolls. I've been to Pompeii and seen the porn drawn on the walls. Literally.

Some Guy said...

Here's hoping Scope has the "Power Of Grayskull".

Susan said...

You would be dangerous with Photoshop.

the iNDefatigable mjenks said...

@ Cora: No, it's not just you. We're all pervs.

@ Candy: Yeah, yeah, I could have used a Ken doll, but He-Man made me laugh more. And, really, it's all about making me laugh.

@ Kristine: 1) Ah, a club member!
2) Romani quidem artem amatoriam invenerunt.@ Some Guy: Wow. Glad I wasn't trying to drink coffee when I read that. Well-played, sir, well-played.

@ Susan: Dangerously sexy, just like anything else I meddle with.

Anna Russell said...

Morde citharam meam!

(apporpros of nothing: I just opened my X-Treme Latin book and typed the first phrase I saw).

Good luck Cora!

the iNDefatigable mjenks said...

@ Anna: You couldn't have gone one more down for the slightly more (in)appropriate "Linge bacillum glycyrrhizae meum!"

Moooooog35 said...

I can't believe that doll.

They TOTALLY got my shield all wrong.

Soda and Candy said...

Ahahahhahaha, that rules.

Does that make Cora She-Ra?

No wait, She-Ra was He-Man's cousin, so... ew.

TishTash said...

Ah, Monsieur Jenks, vous etes tres drole.

(Now kiss up my arm and go, "Tish! That French!" I knew my nom de blog would come in handy someday.)

Nej said...

The first thing that came into my head when I read the translation of your latin phrase this week....

"I am serious, and don't call me Shirley."

I might have to pull the movie out this weekend. :-)

Dr Zibbs said...

How did you get Scope to pose for that......

Wait minute

(looks closer)

That's some type of computer manipulation isn't? Well done.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

Wait. It's possible that mom was right and i have the extra chromosome, but... I don't see the translation of this week's phrase.
Shit. Nobody else seems thrown off by this. That either means:

A: I am not looking in the right place for the translation

B: You don't translate FOR ME- I have to go look that shiz up myself

C: Nobody else was paying attention and you didn't include the translation because you didn't feel like it.

Lisa-tastrophies said...

oui, Mjenks, vous êtes excellent!! Merci des leçons Latines. Maintenant je peux feindre pour savoir trois langues!!

Scope said...

The $99 Photoshop CE is well worth the price. It will allow you to stitch your photos together into landscapes and remove red-eye, and really touch those pictures of the kids up so that when the judge looks at them, he won't be able to see the black eyes.

~E said...

Is that how it all started?? Geez! You miss so much during lent LOL.

I was thinking of going and stalking them while they're here but you know...Cora lives in the same city as I do and I don't want her hexing me for life.

Mr. Condescending said...
