So, my blog, she remains a broken.
I've tinkered with the HTML of the layout, but...*sigh* you can see, it's to little or, to be 100% truthful, no avail.
I must offer up many apologies for the state of affairs around here. I'm sorry that things won't load all the way, and if that slows your computer down, then I take no blame at all. I'm diverting all the blame to the Chinese and Indian spambots who forced me to constantly switch back and forth between word verification and no word verification. I'm sure they've given my little slice o' the internet the blogospheric version of gonorrhea.
In that light, I'm working on a fix that I should, hopefully, have in place by Monday. Come back then and keep your fingers crossed and maybe--just maybe--I'll have something tidied up around here for everyone.
This is where I'd normally try and stretch the current subject material to correlate and align with some facet of Roman life or Roman history. However, as you might have surmised, the Romans didn't have a lot of computers laying around. In fact, the Romans, while gifted architecturally, weren't so good at math, especially multiplication. Statements such as L x X = D were probably a touch confusing to young Romans (and the Roman version of Barbie). Imagine how long it would take to figure out XXIV x LVII = ?
That's enough to bring me to tears, and I'm the one who wrote it.
The answer is MCCCLXVIII, in case you were wondering.
Yes, I used a calculator to do that.
Despite the lack of computers in Ancient Rome, some people have been able to hammer on the Latin language and make it work for our modern way of life. This is typically termed "dog Latin", and, for some reason, some people look down their noses at it. Apparently, if it didn't come from Pliny the Elder, it's not real Latin in these people's opinions. Bunch of podeces, if you ask me.
Dog Latin or no, let me offer you this phrase, which I've been muttering at my monitor for the past 72 hours or so:
Pronounced: Ah-soo-may plee-cahm dahn-nah-tahm, oh too moh-lays moo-skah-ree-ah moo-skair-dah-room!

Have a nice weekend, everyone. Except for you, Pat Robertson. What the hell, man?
Smithers would use that kind of profanity..wouldn't he?
Sorry for your computer issues!
I think someone irate Michigan fan did it.
See, this is why I remain wary of technology. Once it owns you, it stops being fun.
I'm just saving up for a little place in Montana to call my own, I already have the manifesto.
Sorry your site isn't working... I'm gonna have to practice that phrase thought to say to my computer every day. Maybe my boss too...
Bummer that your blog as the Ick.
Haha, Pat Robertson had a 'Mel Gibson moment'. Or was it the other way around?
Good luck fixing the blog. I'll check back regularly.
I like the jaundice look...
And you know that Pat Robertson hasn't heard a word anyone said. He's just surrounded with people saying "yes, the devil does live in Haiti."
I guess he'll find out when he goes to hell.
I'm with Scope.
Ann Arbor is a whore after all... I'm sure they could give your blog gonorrhea.
oookay. Settle down now.
Scope, Jeney....
ease up on the Ann Arbor smack, mmmmkay?
Wait, hell is in Grand Cayman, not Haiti...
@ Eric: Actually, it's worse than that: Hell is in Michigan!!!
Screw you both; we have Paradise too.
Hello? Isn't it obvious what happened?: Chizpurfles!
JK Rowling KNOWS, y'know?
Kudos for using my favorite Simpsons pic! As an ex-TV production type, that image of the drunken PA always tickles my funny bone.
Sorry 'bout the blog. I feel ya on the spammers, and echo your sentiments re: Robinson.
Soooo, when you curse your computer, do you yell Notre Damn?!
Sometimes I crack myself up. Lame isn't it?
I bet those Jesus relatives of yours prayed that this would happen to you.
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