In case you hadn't heard, the Apocalypse big snow storm hit yesterday evening and into the day today. And by "into the day today" I mean, "there was a bit of snow during the morning and some sleet up until 11:00, and after that it was pretty much a major fucking disappointment and nothing like what the weather forecasters were calling for at all." Which is a very long way of saying "they were wrong, again".
However, unlike in times past when the weather forecasters would call for six to ten inches of snow and we'd get "a dusting", we did pick up a goodly amount. Nothing like the 10 - 15 inches that they were calling for in the "northern sections of the viewing area", but it was respectable.
We got eight inches around here. So, the greater northern Durham area of North Carolina now knows what it's like to be my wife: a good eight inches and then coated in white.
Maybe I need to borrow Steamy's Awkward Cricket.
Anyway, the wife and I took the kids outside to play in the snow--twice!!! We managed to finally get enough snow, and a decent place to do it, to where we could go sledding. And by "sledding", I mean "using a Tupperware storage bin lid for purposes it was never engineered or intended for". Feel the awesome wrath of my body flopping on top of you, Tupperware lid!!!
Enough of that. The only reason I'm writing this is to make fun of the local forecasters (again, and as usual), and to post this picture:That ought to teach you to not read blogs on the weekends.
3 days ago
Did you at least spray that lid down with some Pam or silicone?
Sledding is a blast.
Was that supposed to be a "see me look all sexy in the snow" pose or did you just fall off the lid?
Is that you? Where's your left hand?
I really think it's necessary to ignore weather forecasters warning about "the blizzard of the century", because they're usually wrong, and when it DOES snow you are generally surprised by it.
Wish we had hills so we could go sledding when it snows!
I think someday you should have your wife's comments in italics on here.
I finally made my way over to your new digs. I've pulled myself from my Farve-related depression just enough to visit.
I am delighted you got what snow you did. Everyone should have 8 inches... of snow. Geez. Look what you've done to me.
There is a sports-talk station around here that calls the weather people "weather terrorists" because they are always predicting an apocalyptic snow storm that ends up being 2.5 inches, but they desperately want it to sound like the end of the world.
My eyes!
Why do people from up north always complain about snow? I think it's great on the .5 days per year we have it in Texas.
Reminds me of stealing dining hall trays and going sledding in college.
Well hello there, Mr. January!
I think the Rubbermaid and Tupperware people secretly engineer some sledding capabilities into their lids, without making it public knowledge. And if they don't...they really should! :-)
So....the Mavs split this weekend with ND. The final time the two teams will play hockey against each other. I guess that's fair enough. :-)
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