You guys know what today is, right?Okay, yeah, sure, it's Groundhog Day. It's the day when we celebrate the prescient powers of Marmota monax, which is a mixture of Latin and Greek meaning "lonely fatass ground squirrel". In case you were curious (and I know that you weren't), if it ends in an -x, it's typically a Greek word.
Today is also Candlemas, which is traditionally viewed as the day that Christ was presented at the Temple. Mary also had to go to the Temple in order to perform rites associated with recovering from childbirth, a sort of purification, if you will. It is observed 40 days after Christmas. Hey, only 324 shopping days left, slackass!
Also, Candlemas is supposed to be the very last day that you're supposed to have your Christmas greenery up. If you happen to be my neighbor and reading this then...*hint*hint*
And how are the two related? I'm glad you asked! Now, sit down, shut up, and listen: back in the old countries, the English and Germans and other various northern European peoples used to believe that, on the 2nd of February (which is halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox), bears, badgers, wolves, and weird uncle Lute would emerge from hibernation to inspect the weather and determine if they should go back to sleep or not--which is very curious, considering wolves don't hibernate...While settling the New World, the tradition was carried over and, apparently, since black bears just didn't cut it, the settlers adopted...the the midwinter mascot. Isn't that...just...awe-inspiring?
In case your awe isn't inspired enough, one of the nicknames for the groundhog is the "whistle pig".
All of this shit is just filler. Most important of all, today is Betsy Hagar's Birthday!!!
Now, I've mentioned Betsy Hagar in the past on here. Several times. And usually it was with one hand in my lap and the other slowly tapping out words like "whipped cream" and "tall blonde goddess" over the keyboard. Hey, one-handed typing is not easy. I see some of you nodding. Don't think I'm not on to you. *mouths the words 'Call me'*
Some of you might not be up on the list of young women I lusted for during my high school days. Betsy Hagar was at the very top of that list. She is the one about whom I would write long, involved, erotic stories and then, being that I was so turned on by my own lustful creativity, I'd crank one out while still fantasizing about Betsy. Upon climax I would breathlessly begin to feel crushing guilt over my carnal tendencies and I'd take the paper on which I wrote the story and I'd burn it, supposedly (in my sick mind) as a way of burning the lust out of my mind for Betsy and all the other women on the list.And it was quite an extensive list...
But, Betsy was different. As I mentioned here, there was a lot of crushes that came and went during my high school years, but the one constant throughout the time was my seething desire to part Betsy's thighs. Despite how badly I wanted her, my mind invariably forgets about her until Groundhog's Day/her birthday rolls around. She's kind of my portal to the "good old days", when things seemed a lot simpler, and I didn't have so many fucking bills to pay. Yep, less debt and long, sexy, gorgeous legs. That's what thinking of Betsy Hagar reminds me of.
So, Happy Groundhog's Day. Let's hope that lonely little Whistle Pig enjoys his day in the sun. And Happy Birthday, Betsy Hagar: you fill me full to the brim with lust and nostalgia.
3 days ago
Whistle Pig? Really? I love it.
I don't think Betsy and Sammy are married anymore. Now's your chance!
Umm...what about leaving Christmas lights up until, like, July? Is there a Jesus rule about those or is it just greenery?
Does Betsy make your groundhog emerge?
Thanks, now I am going to think of your man parts every year on 2/2.
And I'm back to check out the new blog. Loving the new look and content!
Now how do I score myself a spot on the Inspirational Reads list? ;)
I hate that effing little groundhog bastard. (Wow...that was Turetic....Methinks it's time to move somewhere warmer.)
Happy birthday to your goddess. ;)
6 more weeks of winter is usually not such a bad thing for me....but this year I just want to find that little furry bastard and shoot him square between the eyes. I show you a shadow, you little..... about that.
Happy 6 more weeks of winter, folks!!! :-)
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